Thursday, December 18, 2008



  • No workouts. Boo! I was scheduled to bike for 24 minutes, which I planned to do on the trainer in the evening after I finished baking cookies. Unfortunately, the mini blizzard made it so that I got home a bit later than planned and around 6:30 or 7, my moderate headache turned into a severe migraine which left me nauseous and put me to bed.
  • Slept off the migraine and felt much better in the morning. I had jury duty, so I headed downtown with Heath. Afterward, we went to the Christmas stuff in Daley Plaza and out to dinner so no workout Wednesday either.
  • Up early-ish, worked out in the gym at work.
  • Rode the icky stationary bike (no clips/straps and a saddle I kept sliding off) for 25 min
  • Ran for 25 min immediately after riding the bike. So, I'm getting a bit caught up, which is good.
  • Hopefully I can get a quick swim in on the way home from work tonight.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Back on the Wagon

By End of December 2008

Phase: School Break & Holidays

Focus: Build Base and Routine!

  • No weight gain
  • 85% Compliance with TP
  • Run 20 Miles (from 12th)
  • Bike 265 Minutes (from 12th)
  • Swim 7250 Yards (from 12th)
  • Swam 700 yds. Felt pretty good. Form should come back alright if I spend enough time in the pool.
  • Run 2.5 miles. Going to do this on the dreadmill downstairs. Toooooo cold outside today. I don't care how long it takes me, my goal is just to cover the distance in the proper HR zones.
  • Bike some piddly amount just to get used to being back in the saddle. Gotta start somewhere!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

gift idea

Dorky? Yes.
Practical? So much so that it completely outweighs the dorkiness.

A good torque wrench is key if you are working on your own bike. Especially with a carbon frame (which i have). If you over tighten parts (which is possible due to having to crank on anything steel or aluminum), you could crack/damage the frame. That means big bucks. It's on sale now at Nashbar, but would make a great Christmas present. :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Millenium Triathlon Results

Last Saturday, I competed in the inaugural Millenium Triathlon in Grand Rapids, MI.

I got in relatively late Friday night and went to bed immediately after putting my bike together. After some alarm drama (woke up an hour early - ugh!), I got up, got dressed, and tried to eat an uncrustable. No go. Still no appetite in the early morning. Oh well. My dad drove me over to the race site since it was still pretty pitch black out. I picked up my packet and headed over to transition.

My rack was on the far end of the transition area from the bike in/out. This is unfortunate because it meant I would have to run the whole length of transition in my bike shoes both in and out. Not too fun with clunky cleats. Oh well, all the other girls in my age group were in the same situation. Fortunately, I was at the end of the rack, which means more space to spread out. I got set up and called my mom and Mindy to see how close they were. I hit the port-a-potty shortly before transition closed and forced myself to eat a banana. Mindy and my mom showed up as I was grabbing my goggles and swim cap and getting ready to head to the beach.

The water was nice and warm and it was a really small, clean, calm lake. There were a ton of volunteers - scuba divers, kayakers, life guards, sheriff's boat, so they really had this covered. I was in the third wave of four, and ended up seeding myself too far back in the pack. I had to wait to start swimming because of some slower girls in front of me. That was a bit frustrating, but by the first buoy I was able to get out of some of the congestion. My navigation was good and I felt strong and fast. I had no idea what my split was because I forgot to start my watch. Ooops! I got out of the water and jogged the whole way to transition - never felt good enough to do that before, so that was nice.

Got on the bike and felt good pretty much right away. Got into the big ring and was able to push pretty easily without feeling like I was going to blow up. My bike computer is acting up lately, so I knew my cadence, but not my speed. I knew I was pushing a bigger gear than usual, so that was good. I let up a bit on the back stretch to eat a gel, but othewise pushed well for the duration.

I felt terrible in T2. Probably because of the pushing so hard on the bike without doing many (any) bricks lately. I took my time to compose myself, drink, and put shoes on slowly. I kind of felt like quitting in the first quarter mile, but made myself go on. I loosened up at around mile 1 and noticed my pace was good - mid 9's. I felt like I was going at 12 min/mi, so that really perked me up and gave me some energy. I ran the entire rest of the course, and finished with 9:26/mi pace. Not bad for me, but in the grand scheme, I'm a very weak runner. I've got to run more than once a week...

Below is a table of my results. You can see by the percentiles that running is definitely the weak spot in this race. My shakiness in T2 is also evident. I was in the top 10% overall for T1, but in the bottom 20% for T2. Yikes! (Click for a larger version.)

The race was really well run and the course flat, smooth, and well marked. The weather couldn't have been better and they had watermelon afterwards!! I was happy with my performance. My age group was a tough one, though, with people in my group going 1st & 2nd for female finishers and 7th & 8th place overall!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Muddy Buddy

Sunday morning, Heath and I did the Muddy Buddy, which is a very unique race. Teams of two (competing against other teams with summed ages in the same range - we were 61), trade off biking and running from obstacle to obstacle across a farm and through some woods. It's capped off with a crawl through a big mud pit at the end - super gross. I didn't have a good breakfast (not unlike my race last weekend when I was sick-ish) and thus felt weak throughout. Grr. Heath did great, running fast and getting done with each leg so fast that he was waiting for me to catch up every time.

I did manage to rock the obstacles, which included a short climbing wall, ranger ladder thingy, cargo rope climb up a big inflatable slide, and a balance beam run. I started off running, while Heath was on the bike, then at the first obstacle, you switch, and so on. It was getting pretty hot by the end of the race, so the mud pit felt pretty good. My performance was sub-par, which was frustrating, but I vow to be a stronger teammate next year!

I'll link to or post pictures when they are available!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

D to the N to the F

So, last weekend I participated in my first Olympic distance triathlon in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish. I had been kind of sick the few days leading up to the race and so my nutrition was a bit out of whack. I made it through the swim alright, despite it being a traffic nightmare (yes, somehow that IS possible on a swim). I made it through one loop of the bike course, but had started to feel dizzy on a few uphills and I just didn't feel safe continuing. It's disappointing, sure, but it was the best thing to do. I was happy with my performance on the swim, so that's something positive to take away from the whole experience.

Next sunday: the Muddy Buddy in Elgin with Heath. Hopefully the heat wave isn't too bad!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Inaugural Millenium Triathlon

My mom just called to let me know there is a brand new sprint tri in Grand Rapids. It starts and finishes about 1.5 miles from where my parents live, so it would be super easy from a logistics standpoint. I could use a short little tune up race before Chicago, and I like the idea of being able to be one of the people that ran this race every year that it existed. Plus, it would be easy for people to come watch! I'm excited about it. Heath is out of town that weekend, so it will be just me heading up that way, but I'll have plenty of support from the family up there.