My new personal trainer kicked my butt this week. I think I like what she has me doing better than what my old trainer had me doing. She is also going to break down my running form to help me run more efficiently, which should help considerably. I've been seriously slacking on the running lately. I tried to run Wednesday night and just couldn't get going. Not sure why that was, but I'm going to try again tonight. I'm also going to head to an abs class at 6:30. I'm kind of scared of it, but hopefully it will be fun and start getting my abs in great shape.
I'm still waiting to set up my website for TnT. For whatever reason, my event isn't available on the drop-down menu for the setup page. They have been trying to fix it for some time now. Hopefully it will be done soon so I can start raising money. I feel like I had all this momentum last week and it was all for nothing since I couldn't get things set up. Hopefully that will change since, we have our kick-off meeting tomorrow. I feel like I have next to no info about this whole thing. I got an email from my mentor so I maybe I will contact her to see if I was supposed to get some packet of some sort, since she mentioned it in the email. Oh well.